2023年度 研究発表論文一覧

学術論文誌 / Journal

  1. Ryoga Seki, Daichi Kominami, Hideyuki Shimonishi, Masayuki Murata, and Masaya Fujiwaka, “Object recognition method for digital twin inspired by multimodal information processing in the human brain,” submitted for publication, March 2024.
  2. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata, “Coordinated multi-point by hierarchical active inference with position and CSI feedback,” submitted for publication, March 2024.
  3. Daichi Kominami and Masayuki Murata, “Energy-Efficient Self-Organized Coverage Control in LoRaWAN Inspired by Satellite Behavior of Japanese Tree Frogs,” submitted for publication, March 2024.
  4. Betty Wutzl, Kenji Leibnitz, and Masayuki Murata, “Analysis of the correlation of the asymmetry of different EEG sensor locations in diverse frequency bands and short-term subjective well-being changes,” to appear in Brain Sciences, March 2024.
  5. Shiori Takagi, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Design, implementation and evaluation of a network-oriented service with environmental adaptability based on core/periphery structure,” Computing, vol. 105, no. 12, pp. 2773–2792, August 2023.
  6. Onur Alparslan, Shin’ichi Arakawa and Masayuki Murata, “A zone-based optical intra-vehicle backbone network architecture with dynamic slot scheduling,” Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 50, p. 100753, August 2023. [pdf]
  7. Betty Wutzl, Kenji Leibnitz, Daichi Kominami, Yuichi Ohsita, Michiko Kaihotsu, and Masayuki Murata, “Analysis of the correlation between frontal alpha asymmetry of electroencephalography and short-term subjective well-being changes,” Sensors, vol. 23, no. 15, p. 7006, August 2023. [pdf]
  8. Shiori Takagi, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Evolvable design of network-oriented services based on a core/periphery structure,” Scientific Report, vol. 13, no. 11644, July 2023.
  9. Hiroki Yoshikai, Shin’ichi Arakawa, Tetsuya Takine, and Masayuki Murata,"Analyzing the market growth in API economy using time-evolving model,"International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 693 - 699, October 2023.

国際会議議事録 / International Conference Proceedings

  1. Tatsuya Otoshi, Hideyuki Shimonishi, Tetsuya Shimokawa and Masayuki Murata, “Power efficient edge-cloud cooperation by value-sensitive Bayesian attractor model,” to be presented at The Sixth International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking (ICCN 2024), May 2024.
  2. Nattaon Techasarntikul, Hideyuki Shimonishi and Masayuki Murata, “A Simulation of Energy Optimized Distributed Video Processing on 28 GHz Network,” in Proceedings of 1st workshop on 6G Network Use Cases and Verticals 2024, March 2024.
  3. Haruhito Ando, Daichi Kominami, Ryoga Seki, Masayuki Murata and Hideyuki Shimonishi, “Multimodal object recognition using bayesian attractor model for 2D and 3D data,” in Proceedings of 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2024), March 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  4. Seishiro Inoue, Masaaki Yamauchi, Daichi Kominami, Hideyuki Shimonishi and Masayuki Murata, “Genetic algorithm with gene regulatory networks based optimization method for distributed video analysis system,” in Proceedings of 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2024), March 2024. [pdf]
  5. Ade Kurniawan, Yuichi Ohsita and Masayuki Murata, “Toward robust systems against sensor-based adversarial examples based on the criticalities of sensors,” in Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC 2024), February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  6. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata, “Beamforming with free energy principle under hierarchical codebook,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2024), (United States), February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  7. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata, “Distributed beamforming by multi-agent active inference,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2024), (United States), February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  8. Kazuki Kimura, Yuichi Ohsita, Masayuki Murata, Shinya Yasuda, Taichi Kumagai, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Dai Kanetomo, “Prediction of moving obstacles utilizing edge-cloud cooperation based on probabilistic representation of space,” in Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE 2024), January 2024.
  9. Keita Hara, Risa Yoshida, Daichi Kominami, Yuichi Oshita, Michiko Kaihotsu, and Masayuki Murata, “Indoor environment control method for improving well-being using human thermal stress estimated by yuragi learning,” in Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE 2024), January 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  10. Fengkai Liu, Yuichi Ohsita, Kenji Kashima, Shinya Yasuda, Taichi Kumagai, Hiroshi Yoshida, Dai Kanemoto and Masayuki Murata, “Anticipatory Robot Navigation: Incorporating Estimated Obstacle Behaviors with the Social Force Model,” in Proceedings of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE ICCE 2024), January 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  11. Amato Otsuki, Daichi Kominami, Tatsuya Otoshi, Hideyuki Shimonishi and Masayuki Murata, “Adaptive network slicing control method for unpredictable network variations using quality-diversity algorithms,” in Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (2023 IEEE CCNC), January 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  12. Yang Lou, Hideyuki Shimonishi, Masayuki Murata and Nattaon Techasarntikul, “Energy Optimization of Distributed Video Processing System in Dynamic Environment,” in Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (2023 IEEE CCNC), January 2024.
  13. Shin’ichi Arakawa and Masayuki Murata, “Reliability analysis of Si-Photonics-Based In-Vehicle Optical Network (SiPhON),” in Proceedings of XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS 2023), November 2023.
  14. Hiroyuki Tsuda, Ryogo Kubo, Tatsuo Furuya, Yutaka Hoshiyama, Masayuki Iwase, Masahito Morimoto, Yasushi Amamiya, Yongwi Kim, Yoshiaki Nakano, Takuo Tanemura, Masayuki Murata, Shinichi Arakawa, Naokatsu Yamamoto, Atsushi Matsumoto and Ryo Takahashi, “Proof of principle experiment on Si-photonics-based in-vehicle optical network (SiPhON),” in Proceedings of the XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSI GASS 2023, November 2023.
  15. Mirbek Turduev, Emre Bor, Onur Alparslan, Y. Sinan Hanay, Hamza Kurt, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Machine learning enabled the design of compact and efficient wavelength demultiplexing photonic devices,” in Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pp. 1–2, IEEE, November 2023. [pdf]
  16. Hiroki Yoshikai, Shin’ichi Arakawa, Tetsuya Takine and Masayuki Murata, “Analyzing the market growth in API economy using time-evolving model,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (ICDET 2023), October 2023. (Best Paper Award) [pdf] [slide]
  17. Tomoki Akasaka, Shin’ichi Arakawa & Masayuki Murata, “On the Service Quality of Cooperative VR Applications in 5G Cellular Networks,” in Proceedings of 30th European Conference on Software Process Improvement (EuroSPI 2023), August 2023.
  18. Hideyuki Shimonishi, Masayuki Murata, Go Hasegawa, and Nattaon Techasarntikul, “Energy optimization of distributed video processing system using genetic algorithm with Bayesian attractor model,” in Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2023), pp. 35–43, June 2023.
  19. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata and Hideyuki Shimonishi and Tetsuya Shimokawa, “Distributed timeslot allocation in mMTC network by magnitude-sensitive Bayesian attractor model,” in Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2023), June 2023. [pdf] [slide]
  20. Betty Wutzl, Kenji Leibnitz, and Masayuki Murata, “Subjective well-being and frontal alpha asymmetry: is the AF4 location special?,” 2023 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), (poster presentation), July 2023. [slide]
  21. Hao Su, Shin’Ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “3d multi-object tracking based on two-stage data association for collaborative perception scenarios,” in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IEEE IV 2023), pp. 1–7, June 2023.

講演 / Lecture

  1. 村田 正幸, “脳の情報処理機構に学ぶヒューマンデジタルツイン,” 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構 DX社会研究部門シンポジウム~6G社会の実現に向けた革新的技術開発~, January 2024.
  2. 荒川 伸一, "セルラーシステムを用いた情報通信サービスの高度化に関する研究," 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構 DX社会研究部門シンポジウム~6G社会の実現に向けた革新的技術開発~, January 2024.

口頭発表(国内研究会など)/ Domestic Conference

  1. 生駒 昭繁, 大下 裕一, 村田 正幸, “リソース分離型マイクロデータセンターのネットワーク構成評価のための資源間通信シミュレータの設計,” 電子情報通信学会 ネットワークシステム研究会, March 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  2. 生駒 昭繁, 大下 裕一, 反町 将, 村田 正幸, “リソース分離型マイクロデータセンターにおけるネットワーク構成の評価指標,” 電子情報通信学会 ネットワークシステム研究会, March 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  3. 大月 天渡, 小南 大智, 大歳 達也, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, “品質多様性アルゴリズムを用いた 5G ネットワークにおける動的ネットワークスライシング制御手法の提案,” 電子情報通信学会 ネットワークシステム研究会, March 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  4. 井上 誠志郎, 山内 雅明, 小南 大智, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, “生物の遺伝子制御機構に基づくネットワーク帯域幅の変動に適応可能な分散型映像分析システム消費電力最適化方式,” 電子情報通信学会情報ネットワーク研究会, February 2024. [pdf]
  5. 安藤 覇人, 小南 大智, 関 良我, 村田 正幸, 下西 英之, “脳の情報処理モデルに基づく 3 次元点群と RGB 画像を用いたマルチモーダルな物体認識手法の実装および評価,” 電子情報通信学会 ネットワークシステム研究会, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  6. 下西 英之,小南 大智,大下 裕一, “ローカル 5G・デジタルツインテストベッド,” 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構 DX 社会研究部門シンポジウム~6G 社会の実現に向けた革新的技術開発~, January 2024.
  7. 小南 大智,大月 天渡,下西 英之,村田 正幸, “多様性を維持する進化的アルゴリズムを用いたネットワークスライシング手法,” 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構 DX 社会研究部門シンポジウム~6G 社会の実現に向けた革新的技術開発~, January 2024.
  8. 小南 大智,下西 英之,村田 正幸, “多人の脳に倣ったマルチモーダル物体認識技術,” 大阪大学先導的学際研究機構 DX 社会研究部門シンポジウム~6G 社会の実現に向けた革新的技術開発~, January 2024.
  9. 大歳 達也, 村田 正幸, “位置と伝搬チャネルの能動的推論による基地局間協調送受信,” 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 (RCS2023-238), vol. 123, no. 340, pp. 181–186, January 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  10. 重清 成海, 山内 雅明, 辻 寛, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, 杉田 美和, 木多 道宏, “発言,表情,行動に基づく認知症患者の不穏度合い推定,”電子情報通信学会 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループシンポジウム2023, December 2023. [slide]
  11. 原 博子, 村田 正幸, “脳波測定に基づいた仮眠の効果と睡眠不足時の影響,” 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーショングループシンポジウム2023, December 2023.
  12. 井上 誠志郎, 山内 雅明, 小南 大智, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, “遺伝子制御ネットワークを用いた分散型映像分析システムの消費電力最適化方式,” 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 (NS2023-64), vol. 123, no. 177, pp. 71–76, September 2023. [pdf] [slide]
  13. Shyam Maisuria, Ohsita Yuichi, Masayuki Murata, “Demonstrating Data Poisoning Attacks on Machine Learning Models with Multi-Sensor Inputs,” 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 (IN2023-31), vol. 123, no. 178, pp. 8–13, September 2023. [slide]
  14. 挾間 敦久, 荒川 伸一, 村田 正幸, “電波環境センシングを用いた小型 5G 移動基地局の移動制御手法,” 電子情報通信学会 ネットワークシステム研究会, October 2023. [pdf] [slide]
  15. 荒川 伸一,津田 裕之, “大容量車載光ネットワーク SiPhON の研究開発,” 電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 (CS2023-5), 特別招待講演, pp. 20–25, May 2023.

博士学位論文・修士学位論文・特別研究報告 / Thesis

博士学位論文 / Doctoral Dissertation

  1. Ade Kurniawan, “Network Forensics of Ransomware and Sensor Integrity in Machine Learning; Toward Building Robust Systems against Cyberattacks,” Ph. D Thesis, March 2024. [pdf] [slide]

修士学位論文 / Master's Thesis

  1. Jiaqi Zou, “Deep Learning Neural Networks Based Weed Detection Using Aerial RGB And NIR Image Processing Methods For Smart Agriculture,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, August 2023. [slide]
  2. Tomoki Akasaka, “A study on quality of experience focusing on information synchronization in cooperative VR applications utilizing 5G cellular networks,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024.
  3. Seishiro Inoue, “Adaptability evaluation of distributed video analysis system in dynamic environments based on gene regulatory networks,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  4. Fengkai Liu, “Real-time Robot Navigation Control for Collisions Avoidance with Moving Obstacles in Warehouse,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024.
  5. Shyam Maisuria, “Countermeasures against Data Poisoning Attacks against Machine Learning Models with Multi-Sensor Inputs,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  6. Itsuki Nakamura, “Implementation and evaluation of a cellular resource allocation method based on prediction of physical system behavior in Cyber-physical systems,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  7. Amato Otsuki, “Dynamic network slicing control method for beyond 5G mobile network using quality-diversity algorithms,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  8. Narumi Shigekiyo, “Anxiety intensity estimation in persons with dementia using multimodal information in everyday living environments,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2024. [slide]
  9. Hiroki Yoshikai, “Simulation studies on sustainable multi-sided, multi-platform markets for API ecosystem,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]

特別研究報告 / Bachelor's Thesis

  1. 小菅 瑛斗, “複数のセンサ・アクチュエータを用いた人物探索における能動推論の有効性の評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  2. 東田 昂大, “ゆらぎ学習を用いた室内快適性向上のためのマルチアクチュエータ制御手法の考案と実装,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  3. 福山 敦也, “能動推論に基づく搬送と倉庫内の状況監視を両立する搬送ロボット制御手法の提案と評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]
  4. 山田 翔太, “位置情報を利用した能動推論による基地局間連携ビームフォーミング手法の提案と評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2024. [pdf] [slide]